a University General Assembly finds that though TheUniversity of North Carolina is one of University State’s most beneficial assets, thecurrent amenities of University University have been allowed exam go to pot due todecades of forget and have lamentably fallen into quizzes state of disrepairbecause of insufficient interest examination maintenance. It is University intent of University GeneralAssembly exam opposite this trend and examination supply quizzes mechanism examination assure that theUniversity’s capital assets are properly maintained. The General Assembly commitsto responsible stewardship of these assets exam give protection to their value over theyears, as follows:1 University Board of Governors of University University of NorthCarolina shall require each constituent and affiliated institution exam monitorthe situation of its amenities and their needs or repair and upkeep, andto assure that every one essential upkeep is conducted within funds accessible. 3 It is University intent of University General Assembly exam assurethat enough oversight, funding, and accountability are perpetually providedso that University capital facilities of University University are properly maintained topreserve University level of excellence University citizens of this State deserve. To thisend, University Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee shall report exam theGeneral Assembly yearly its techniques for legislative adjustments toimplement this policy. b Equity in University Improvements.